Saturday, September 1, 2012

I am so not a marathonist

Bob -

Here's the thing, I like to run.  I don't like to run real far.  I like to run fast.  At least as fast as my old body will go.  I love to challenge myself.  I love to see the results I get from running.  The increased distance, the increased speed and chiseled and beautiful calves.  My calves could be on a statue, but there isn't much call for a statue of calves.  Perhaps somewhere, someone would want a calf statue, but I'm not sure who or where.  I honestly do not think I could sit still long enough to be a calf model.  The rest of my body could not really be a statue.  I have too much paunchiness.  I guess they could call the statue, Paunch and Calves, but I think that was the name of the guys in CHIPS and I could get sued.  So, I have the body of a seal I think.  Pretty muscular, but the muscles are hidden in a decent layer of fat.  Like a seal, the blubber keeps me warm enough in the cold weather, and the underlying muscle keeps me from getting eaten by great white sharks.  The muscle and the fact that I don't live in the water.  Probably the last comparison I have to a seal, because this story is going nowhere.  But I do find it funny to think of myself as a seal or an otter.  The point of this whole thing is this.  I have about 5 weeks until the marathon.  I did a long run of 15 plus miles today.  I was supposed to do 20.  I am behind in my training.  I am not an excuse maker, at least I don't try to be.  My job has been pretty crazy for about a month now.  Working morning to night and when I get done, I am tired.  I am on my feet all day and carrying stuff and doing crown moulding and other stuff that cabinet guys do.  So, my legs have been sore and I have been a bit tired and a lot busy to do the long runs.  But I did 15 miles today on sore legs.  I am always mad at myself for not doing what I set out to do, but not really today.  I feel that if I stick with the plan for the next 5 weeks, I am going to be okay.  I have to work my legs.  Work them hard and then back off of them a week or so before the marathon.  I want to do this marathon.  There are a few of us who are doing it because we all said we were going to do it together.  I don't want to let them down.  I don't want to let me down.  The normal crew of people doing long runs on Saturday were out there this morning at 5:30, minus one who was throwing up.  She will probably be out there tonight doing her 20.  There is no quit in these people.  So I can't quit.  I tell myself the same thing I tell others...don't do anything to the point where you get injured.  It isn't worth it, but this is just pain and that can be overcome.  5 weeks and then on to the stuff I really enjoy.  Shorter and faster runs.   Then maybe I can work on that statue.


  1. One of the guys that used to work for me when I was doing contracting work ran a marathon and only ran once prior to the race. I think he went two miles.

    He did, however, cover all 26.2 miles and you will, too. You probably won't even walk if you go out a smart enough pace. He walked the last 20.2 miles, and didn't work the next two days. Do your best to avoid that part. ; )

  2. You got this! M and I will be there with signs, and she will shout "Go Bob Go!" We will be at every mile if you need us too! I know how much you hate the marathon, but soon, I will be able to call you Bob the marathoner and coach ;)
